News from the VK9MT team

VK9MT went QRT on 5th April due to heavy storm

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Storm 2014 04 05 1200Due to the ever worsening weather associated with an impending tropical storm, the team decided in the interest of safety to end the operation early. The last night on the island was extremely difficult. With continued heavy rain and wind, radio operations were nearly impossible. We have set sail for the Australian coast and seek a course to keep ahead of the storm that caused us to leave the reef. Expect 2.5 – 3 days of sailing prior to reaching our port destination.

VK9MT Mellish Reef Update #3

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Team at MackayThe full team assembled in Mackay and has been busy with assigned tasks and making preparations for sailing. The boat will have a crew of 5 experienced sailors and 11 passengers. After several days of continuous rain, the boat is loaded with all our radio equipment, stocked with food and other essentials. The humidity has been excessive and very uncomfortable to those of us unaccustomed to such conditions.

Our equipment arrived in Australia in excellent condition. We assembled the CrankIR antennas and made final tuning adjustment to the folding hex beams.

VK9MT Mellish Reef Update #2

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The Advance Team arrived in Mackay on March 18th - 19th. After many connections and over 30 hours of plane / layover time from EU and US we finally arrived at hotel. Next morning we met the owner of the receiving firm and began the task of inventorying the shipments and opening the crates and barrels.
We spent the better part of two days at shops around Mackay buying items we thought too expensive to ship round trip from the US and EU.

VK9MT Mellish Reef Update #1

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The Advance Team leaves for Australia on Sunday, March 16th, arriving Tuesday, March 18th. All equipment arrived in Australia and is at our partner firm. During the time we are at sea and during radio operations there will be no personal e-mail communications with the Team. Look to the DX bulletins for updates. We plan to update them using a satellite data terminal. If sea conditions permit there will be Maritime Mobile operation.

Comment sections on Facebook and our webpage will be turned off. The auto-publish function of the Guestbook entries will temporarily deactivated. Please direct comments / suggestions to the Pilot for (or closest to) your area. Pilot assignments and e-mail addresses are posted on

To all DXers

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During the period of time that the VK9MT Team will be traveling both to and from Mellish Reef, and while involved in radio operations upon the reef, there will be no communications with the Team except via the established pilot network. All comment sections on Facebook, and our webpage, will be turned off. The auto publish function of the Guestbook entries will also be deactivated temporarily.

Should there be any comments or suggestions one wishes to send to the Team, please direct those comments to the appropriate Pilot for your geographical area.

Also, Pilots will have no access to the log during, or after, the DXpediton.

Welcome to the VK9MT Mellish Reef 2014 DXpedition site

  • Mellish logo with dates 700x393
  • marine 729-420x0
  • a44449790
  • Mellishbirdlife zpsc296e227


  May 14 May 07
Sunrise UTC: 19:52 19:50
Sunset UTC: 07:13 07:16

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