News from the VK9MT team

Press release #7

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Mellish Reef 2014

Mellish Reef DX-pedition is scheduled for March 28, 2014 to April 9, 2014.
Congratulations to the FT5ZM team for their excellent operation.

20140221 113627Status:
Our equipment is on the way to Australia and the team is making last minute preparations for their journey to Australia. An advance team will arrive in Mackay, Australia on March 18th to begin the process of retrieving equipment from storage and preparing for the sea voyage.

Press release #6

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Mellish Reef 2014

Mellish Reef DX-pedition is scheduled for March 28, 2014 to April 9, 2014.


We are on schedule and will soon be on autopilot. Team members booked their travel to Mackay, Australia, local contacts in Mackay are established, as well as suppliers to assist with logistics. Generators were ordered and will ship later in February from Sydney, Australia. One of the biggest logistical challenges will be purchasing 1,400 liters of petrol.

Special Press Release

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To better distribute the workload and keep as many stations on the air as possible the Mellish Reef 2014 DX-pedition team will add one additional operator to the team, bringing the total to 12.

We are seeking an experienced SSB and RTTY operator. The pile-ups will be energetic and, at times, challenging. Candidates must have the “Determination – Time – Finances” to join this exciting DX-pedition.

What does a DXpedition “Pilot” do?

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I have been asked about being a pilot on a few occasions and recently on the Kiwi DX List. Basically a DXpedition pilot is a “screen door” between the DXpedition team and the 50,000 ham DXers out there that want to work the DXpedition. The pilot becomes the regional collection point for complaints and accolades for the DXpedition. If the pilot didn’t exist then DXers can and sometimes turn ugly. That’s a fact.

DXpeditions teams try to do their best, often under the most trying circumstances and like other forms of human endeavour can sometimes fail miserably at doing their job.

Press release #5

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Mellish Reef DX-pedition is scheduled for
March 28, 2014 to April 9, 2014.

Addition to the On-island Team:

dj7jc 152Norbert Meyer DJ7JC Joins the Team
Norbert was first licensed in 1961 as DJ7JC. He spent his professional career in electronics, beginning with radio / television technical training and later electronic engineering-microwave research development, including teaching RF-communication techniques.

Welcome to the VK9MT Mellish Reef 2014 DXpedition site

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  • a44449790
  • Mellishbirdlife zpsc296e227


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