News from the VK9MT team

VK9MT Mellish Reef Update #3

on .

Team at MackayThe full team assembled in Mackay and has been busy with assigned tasks and making preparations for sailing. The boat will have a crew of 5 experienced sailors and 11 passengers. After several days of continuous rain, the boat is loaded with all our radio equipment, stocked with food and other essentials. The humidity has been excessive and very uncomfortable to those of us unaccustomed to such conditions.

Our equipment arrived in Australia in excellent condition. We assembled the CrankIR antennas and made final tuning adjustment to the folding hex beams.

All antennas tuned to specification. On Sunday we met with the Mackay Boy / Girl Scout Council who will receive some of our surplus equipment.

Current plan is to take on fuel for the boat and petrol for the generators at about 1000 (local) on March 25th – immediately after fuelling we will set sail for Mellish Reef, as scheduled. The team is in good spirits and eager to get underway, seasickness medication in hand.

We ask that everyone please listen for the operator’s directions and we will do our best to get you in the log. We will see you in the pile-ups.

Welcome to the VK9MT Mellish Reef 2014 DXpedition site

  • Mellish logo with dates 700x393
  • marine 729-420x0
  • a44449790
  • Mellishbirdlife zpsc296e227


  May 14 May 07
Sunrise UTC: 19:52 19:50
Sunset UTC: 07:13 07:16

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