News from the VK9MT team

Press release #2

on .

Planning continues for the previously announced Mellish Reef DX-pedition scheduled for late March – early April, 2014.

Landing Authority:
Australia’s “Commonwealth Marine Reserve Operations Department” reviewed our DX-pedition project plan and requires that we follow their documented environmental protection regulations. Effective July 1, 2014 Mellish Reef becomes part of Australia’s new Coral Sea Marine Reserve proposal which implements additional restrictions to further protect the area’s ecology; we appreciate the Australian government’s cooperation and spirit of partnership in making this DX-pedition possible.

Call Sign:
VK9MT recommendation received from WIA and filed with ACMA.

Several vessels with the appropriate survey and permit for operating in the Coral Sea have been identified.

On-island Team:
Joining the team is Luke Steele, VK3HJ. Luke, a member of Oceania DX Group, is an experienced DX-pediton operator who prefers CW. It’s a pleasure to have him join the project.

Support Team Named:
As previously announced, this project was initiated by several members of last year’s Campbell Island DX-pedition.  We are happy to announce that the Chris Chapman VK3QB, President of the Oceania DX Group (of Australia) signed on to assist with in-country administration. We welcome ODXG’s cooperation in this endeavor.

Joining the team as pilots:

Stan KH6CG, Oceania

Andre V51B, Africa

Col MM0NDX, Europe

Ralph W4HK, North America

Lee ZL2AL, New Zealand / Australia

Tim Beaumont M0URX joined the team as QSL manager. Tim is held in high regard by DX-peditioners and DXers for his outstanding performance and attention to detail.
We’re proud to have these fine gentlemen on the team.

Financial Management:
We will exercise full financial transparency in all aspects of the project. When the books are closed cubs and foundations that supported the project will receive a financial accounting.
Team members will pay all up-front expenses to get the project launched. Any surplus funds will be evenly distributed to team members who funded the project. Contributions whether from clubs, foundations or individuals will only be used to offset project costs. Team members will pay their own living expenses in, and travel to, Australia.
Critical Success Factors include managing costs; we estimate a project budget in the range of $110,000(USD).

For additional information please direct questions to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Donations are welcomed through the web site:

Team Mellish 2014



Welcome to the VK9MT Mellish Reef 2014 DXpedition site

  • Mellish logo with dates 700x393
  • marine 729-420x0
  • a44449790
  • Mellishbirdlife zpsc296e227


  May 14 May 07
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Sunset UTC: 07:13 07:16

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